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The Official Home of Buna Little League

The Official Home of Buna Little League

News Detail


Jan, 2025

Spring 2025 Signups End Soon

Please follow the instructions below to register your player(s).

Hello Buna Little League Sluggers,

We are excited to announce that we are changing platforms for registering players for baseball/softball to better align with Little League International, and to assist our Board Members in building schedules and managing the site. Our goal is to have 100% online registration to reduce the cost of paper, printer ink, and pens in order to put that money back into the park. We need your help to make this happen. Please go to our website,, and register (create) your new account. It is simple and easy to get set up, all you need is a valid email address.

  1. Go to on your computer or smart phone
  2. In the upper right corner CLICK on (REGISTER)
  3. Enter your valid email address and CLICK (CONTINUE)
  4. Enter your password (password must contain a minimum of 8 characters, 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, and 1 special character)
  5. Confirm your password and CLICK (CONTINUE)
  6. Check your email after a few minutes (even SPAM) to verify your email address.
  7. Open the email from [email protected] and click VERIFY
  8. Follow the on-screen prompts and register yourself and your players



    Registering your Child for Spring 2025

  1. On December 1st, return back to and log in, available registrations will show up for each kid as defined by the age provided in their profile.
    2. SELECT the division available for your child (some players may be eligible for more than one division, please select the division that is most appropriate for your player, final division selection will be at the discretion of the Board of Directors to meet player safety and division needs)
      1. If more than one player, SELECT (NEXT PLAYER)
      2. SELECT the division available for the second child
      3. REPEAT until all children’s divisions have been selected then SELECT (CONTINUE)
  1. Click VIEW/ACCEPT Little League Privacy Policy. You can read the policy by following the link.
    1. CLICK in the box next to (I accept the Electronic Legal Agreement)
    2. TYPE your First & Last name
  2. CHOOSE your method of address verification School or Home
    1. If you choose school, it will give you a list of schools to choose from
    2. If you choose home, it will give you some options for forms to attach.
    3. Regardless of what you choose, you will not be required to upload forms at registration time.
    4. SELECT (NEXT PLAYER) and follow step 10
    5. After all players have been selected, CLICK (CONTINUE)
Fill out the information required on your Order Summary and  pay.
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